Search Container is widely used taglib in Liferay.
We will follow few steps to implement ordering on container columns
1) Write below code in your jsp .
String orderByCol = ParamUtil.getString(renderRequest, "orderByCol");
String orderByType = ParamUtil.getString(renderRequest, "orderByType");
/* Code to set default arrow on particular column while landing on this page */
PortalPreferences portalPrefs = PortletPreferencesFactoryUtil.getPortalPreferences(request);
if (Validator.isNotNull(orderByCol) && Validator.isNotNull(orderByType)) {
portalPrefs.setValue("DemoName", "DemoName-order-by-col", orderByCol);
portalPrefs.setValue("DemoName", "DemoName-order-by-type", orderByType);
} else {
orderByCol = portalPrefs.getValue("DemoName", "DemoName-order-by-col", "keyProperty");
orderByType = portalPrefs.getValue("DemoName", "DemoName-order-by-type", "desc");
/* Code to convert asc in desc after clicking on cloumn */
if(orderByCol==null || orderByCol.equals(StringPool.BLANK)) {
if(orderByType==null || orderByType.equals(StringPool.BLANK)) {
2) Pass Custom comparator to your search container results.
<liferay-ui:search-container orderByCol="<%=orderByCol %>"
orderByType="<%=orderByType %>" iteratorURL="<%=iteratorURL
%>" delta='10'>
List<YourModel> lst = lst; //Fetch List for sorting purpose;
Collections.sort(lst,DemoComparatorUtil.getDemoComparator(orderByType, orderByCol)); //Pass custom comparator for sorting
total = lst.size();
results = ListUtil.subList(lst, searchContainer.getStart(), searchContainer.getEnd());
pageContext.setAttribute("results", results);
pageContext.setAttribute("total", total);
3) Now create custom comparator mentioned above "DemoComparator" :
public static DemoComparator getDemoComparator(String orderByType,String orderByCol){
DemoComparator demoComparator;
if (orderByType.equals("desc")) {
demoComparator = new DemoComparator(false, false);
} else {
demoComparator = new DemoComparator(true, false);
if (orderByCol != null) {
return demoComparator;
class DemoComparator implements Comparator<YourModel>, Serializable{
private boolean asc;
private boolean caseSensitive;
private List<DocumentComparatorOrderBy> columns = new ArrayList<DocumentComparatorOrderBy>();
public DemoComparator(){
public DemoComparator(boolean asc, boolean caseSensitive) {
this.asc = asc;
this.caseSensitive = caseSensitive;
public void addOrderBy(String name) {
addOrderBy(name, asc, caseSensitive);
public void addOrderBy(String name, boolean asc, boolean caseSensitive) {
DocumentComparatorOrderBy orderBy = new DocumentComparatorOrderBy(name, asc, caseSensitive);
public int compare(YourModel arg0, YourModel arg1) {
int result=0;
for (DocumentComparatorOrderBy orderBy : columns) {
String value1 = "";
String value2 = "";
if (orderBy.getName().equals("keyProperty")) {
if (!orderBy.isAsc()) {
String temp = value1;
value1 = value2;
value2 = temp;
if ((value1 != null) && (value2 != null)) {
if (orderBy.isCaseSensitive()) {
result = value1.compareTo(value2);
} else {
result = value1.compareToIgnoreCase(value2);
if (result != 0) {
return result;
return 0;
You can use this single comparator for all columns in your search container by checking key property in if-else condition only.